Because of a software requirement the version BWA v0.7.8 is required.
Using and the following
bwa index [-a bwtsw|is] input_reference.fasta index_prefix
where input_reference.fasta is an input file of the reference genome in fasta format, and index_prefix is the prefix of the generated index files.
I ran the command 'bwa index -a bwtsw /hg19_reference/hg19_exome.fa hg19'
Expected Outcome: BWA index files would have a hg19 prepended (i.e. hg19.amb, etc) and not be created in the same file folder as my reference genome.
Question 1: What is the command that I can use to prepend (I thought this was the index_prefix) hg19 to the index files? Is there a -p before the index_prefix?
Question 2: Where should the index files really be created? In the BWA directory or the genome reference file folder?
Question 3: Which are the index files?, hg19_exome.fa.pac, hg19_exome.fa.fai, hg19_exome.fa.bwt, hg19_exome.fa.ann, hg19_exome.fa.amb, hg19_exome.fa
Thank you. My command only generated the following, hg19.amb, hg19.ann hg19.bwt and hg19.pac. I did not see any hg19.fa index. Any ideas why the command did not generate the hg19.fa?
would have been the original fasta format file which in your case is hg19_exome.fa. You could create a soft link like soln -s hg19_exome.fa hg19.fa
.Since you specifically wanted the prefix
for your index we added the-p hg19
to the command above. Otherwise you could just runbwa index -a bwtsw hg19_reference/hg19_exome.fa
and get the index files that have the prefix of the fasta file name like you posted in original question.Thank you for your reply! For this question I didn't see an accept button.
I have moved my original comment to an answer. If you found it useful you can accept it.