I extracted informations that I need from my vcf file and one line of it looks like this:
X 126165205 . T G DCAF12L2 synonymous_SNV p.P240P 0.4172 0.4089 0.543046 1/1 25 0 25 1/1 20 0 20
the line represents respectively: chromosome, position, ID, ref, alt, gene name, exonic function, AAchange (just last value), gnomAD_genome_ALL, ExAC_ALL, 1000g2015aug_all, GT, DP, RD, AD first in normal then tumor.
Now I need to make a python script which will take as an input this vcf file and a list of mutations (exonic function) that i have in file. Based on which mutation I want it will give me just that line of file. Then I need to put threshold which will be lower then a maximum number that I have among gnomAD_genome_ALL, ExAC_ALL, 1000g2015aug_all. Sum (depth) of RD and AD, ratio of RD and AD and block (tumor or normal).
Script has to be general so I can change variables..
Thank you in advance
You may take inspiration from this Python script that I wrote last year. This just splits multi-allelic sites in the same way as bcftools norm -m-any. Take a look at what it does and then edit it to suit your own needs.
Execute it as
python Split.py [Input VCF] [Output VCF]
#Name: Kevin Blighe
#Email: NA
#Date: 20th July 2017
#Function(s): Splits multiallelels
import sys
import os
#Check the number of command line arguments
if not len(sys.argv)==3:
print "\nError:\tincorrect number of command-line arguments"
print "Syntax:\tSplit.py [Input VCF] [Output VCF]\n"
if sys.argv[1]==sys.argv[2]:
#boolOverwrite = raw_input("\nInput file is the same as the output file - overwrite input file (sim/nao)?\n")
print "Error:\tInput file is the same as the output file - choose a different output file\n"
#File input
fileInput = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
#File output for split multi-alleles
fileOutput = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
#Loop through each line in the input file, and split multiallelic sites
print ("Splitting multi-allelic sites...")
for strLine in fileInput:
#Strip the endline character from each input line
strLine = strLine.rstrip("\n")
#The '#' character in VCF format indicates that the line is a header. Ignore these and just output to the new file
if strLine.startswith("#"):
fileOutput.write(strLine + "\n")
#Split the tab-delimited line into an array
strArray = [splits for splits in strLine.split("\t") if splits is not ""]
#Check first if it's multiallelic
#Multi-allelic variants will have 2 calls in the VAR field, separated by a comma (',')
if "," in strArray[4]:
strVars = [splits for splits in strArray[4].split(",") if splits is not ""]
iNumMultialleles = len(strVars)
for i in range(0, (iNumMultialleles)):
strArray[4] = strVars[i]
fileOutputTemp.write("\t".join(strArray) + "\n")
fileOutput.write("\t".join(strArray) + "\n")
print ("Done.")
#Close the files
what have you written so far ?
You can rely on commented python scripts made in C: parsing vcf file and A: VCF file help to make your own VCF parser.
This sounds like homework, but PyVCF will help you parse VCF files and get the info you need.