hello Experts, I downloaded the clinical information of hepatocellular carcinoma in TCGA from https://xenabrowser.net/datapages/?dataset=TCGA-LIHC%2FXena_Matrices%2FTCGA-LIHC.GDC_phenotype.tsv&host=https%3A%2F%2Fgdc.xenahubs.net. One of the clinical information is "vascular_tumor_cell_type". It contains three categories "None", "Micro" and "Macro". Is this a description of Vascular Invasion? Is it that "Micro" and "Macro" mean that there is a vascular invasion? And "None" indicates that there is no vascular invasion? Because I can't find other columns on vascular invasion, so I am puzzled. Very much appreciate your answer, thank you!
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