i am running a java inside my perl code. As follows: Varscan somatic takes 2 parameters. Each parameter is an executable line by itself which gives an output. That output is used as an input for the varscan somatic java part. I am doing the following:
$n_p = "samtools view -b -u -q 1 $n_b | samtools pileup -f $r -";
$t_p = "samtools view -b -u -q 1 $t_b | samtools pileup -f $r -";
bash -c \"java -jar VarScan.v2.2.jar somatic <\($n_p\) <\($t_p\) output
I am running the code on a unix machine.The above code gives me error. i want the $n_p and $t_p output to be fed into the java.
Does anybody have a comment as to what the correct syntax is.
excellent...this seems to be working....i will keep you posted..!