I'm still getting to know STAR and wanted to ask you, if you just use Chromosomes 1 to 22 and X,Y, MT or also all the other chromosomes with longer names in your fasta reference file for mapping human reads?
I'm still getting to know STAR and wanted to ask you, if you just use Chromosomes 1 to 22 and X,Y, MT or also all the other chromosomes with longer names in your fasta reference file for mapping human reads?
Include the various unplaced scaffolds but not the haplotype alleles. The latter will completely screw things up. Including the former will slightly decrease false-positive alignments.
The random contigs fall into two groups: those with a known chromosome of origin and those with no known chromosome of origin. In the latter case I presume these actually have multiple copies, though I've never checked. In the former case it's likely that these are regions that just to integrate into the assembly well.
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It depends on what your aim is. If you care about those (I assume you are referring to
type entries) then you will have to. This may be of interest.Thanks, I'm interested in alternative splicing in human cells.