$ awk 'FS=OFS="\t" {gsub("[<*>]","");$4= $3$4}1' test.txt
12 1109770 C C
12 1109771 T T
12 1109772 T T
12 1109773 T T
12 1109774 C C
12 1109775 C C
12 1109776 C C,A,C,C
in bash:
$ paste <(cut -f1-3 test.txt) <(paste -d "" <(cut -f3 test.txt) <(cut -f4 test.txt | cut --complement -c -3))
12 1109770 C C
12 1109771 T T
12 1109772 T T
12 1109773 T T
12 1109774 C C
12 1109775 C C
12 1109776 C C,A,C,C
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Can you post something you have already tried?
Is your example correct for the last line ?
12 1109776 C A,C,C,<*>
This should turn to :
12 1109776 C A,C,C,C
12 1109776 C C,A,C,C
Am I correct ?
Yes... It should turn to A,C,C,C
Updated the same again with actual required out put
Always add some detail on the effort you put in to solving your problem.