Hello, I have methylation data, and I graph it as a scatterplot using ggplot like this:
p1<-ggplot(data, aes(meth_matrix$sample1, meth_matrix$sample3)) +
geom_point() +
which works perfect, but I want to add lines to it: the abline that divides the scatterplot in half:
p1 + geom_abline(color="blue")
and my question is: how can I draw two red lines parallel to that diagonal (y intercept would be 0.2, slope would be the same as the blue line) ??
Also: how can I draw the difference of both samples in a similar scatterplot (it will look like a horizontal scatterplot) with ggplot? right now I can only do it with plot like:
dif_samples<-meth_matrix$sample1- meth_matrix$sample3
plot(dif_samples, main="difference",
xlab="CpGs ", ylab="Methylation ", pch=19)
(also I'd like adding the horizontal blue line and the red lines paralllel to the blue line)
Please help!!!
Thank you very much.
Not really a bioinformatics question. Ask on stackoverflow.