How to get percent identity from bam file ?
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7.0 years ago
David ▴ 240

I have aligned raw 1D nanopore reads to a bacterial reference assembly using BWA –MEM and got the sam and bam file.

Is there a quick way to get the of percentage identity for each read from the sam/bam file ???

I would like to generate an histogram with reads count and the percent identity to the reference.


bwa bam samtools • 7.1k views
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Here is the output ??

bioalcidaejdk   -e 'stream().map(R->R.getReadUnmappedFlag()?0:(int)(100.0*(R.getReadLength()-R.getIntegerAttribute("NM"))/(double)R.getReadLength())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())).forEach((K,V)->{println(K+"\t"+V);});' 1.bam

[DEBUG][BioAlcidaeJdk] Compiling :
         1  import java.util.*;
         2  import*;
         3  import java.util.regex.*;
         4  import java.util.function.*;
         5  import htsjdk.samtools.*;
         6  import htsjdk.samtools.util.*;
         7  import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.*;
         8  import htsjdk.variant.vcf.*;
         9  import;
        10  import javax.annotation.Generated;
        11  import htsjdk.variant.vcf.*;
        12  /** begin user's packages */
        13  /** end user's packages */
        14  @Generated(value="BioAlcidaeJdk",date="2018-03-22T12:40:58+0100")
        15  public class BioAlcidaeJdkCustom1825748580 extends {
        16    public BioAlcidaeJdkCustom1825748580() {
        17    }
        18    @Override
        19    public void execute() throws Exception {
        20     // user's code starts here 
        21     stream().map(R->R.getReadUnmappedFlag()?0:(int)(100.0*(R.getReadLength()-R.getIntegerAttribute("NM"))/(double)R.getReadLength())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())).forEach((K,V)->{println(K+"\t"+V);});
        22      //user's code ends here 
        23     }
        24  }

I don´t get anything else ???

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Here is the output, redirecting stderr to /dev/null, using a BAM processed with bwa/samtools: ( )

$ java -jar dist/bioalcidaejdk.jar -e 'stream().map(R->R.getReadUnmappedFlag()?0:(int)(100.0*(R.getReadLength()-R.getIntegerAttribute("NM"))/(double)R.getReadLength())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())).forEach((K,V)->{println(K+"\t"+V);});' 2> /dev/null src/test/resources/S1.bam

97  479
98  696
100 476
90  1
91  4
92  28
94  73
95  241
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Please use ADD COMMENT/ADD REPLY when responding to existing posts to keep threads logically organized. This comment belongs under @Pierre's answer.

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7.0 years ago

If you would use google you might find some hits. For me the top hit was... my own blog, containing a python solution based on either the NM or MD tag.

Shameless advertisement: plots like that (similar) are available in NanoPlot.

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I´ll check Nanoplot. thanks

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2.5 years ago

Very old thread, but still few good answers for per read identity. Thought I would mention a bedtools alternative (so not purely bam based, and not so performant, but maybe still interesting)

# Step 1 Create a bed file with the start position, stop position, and edit distance based on the NM tag
bedtools bamtobed -ed -i x.bam > ed.bed &

The format of the bed file looks like this.
chr                                  start     stop      readname                              number_mismatches  read_orientation
chr                                  601       55050     8a6c37a9-44b6-416d-bf88-504e064013b7  2453  -

# Step2: Now calculate read length and then percent mismatches per read (or whatever you like in R/Python/Awk etc)
# Example only without checking the usual bed off-by-one start/stop coordinate nightmare
awk -F"\t" '{print $1"\t"$3-$2"\t"$5"\t"($5/($3-$2)*100)}'  ed.bed | head

# output format
chr   read_len NM     %identity based on NM
chr   18275   1420    7.77
chr   20187   737     3.65

Of course, a purely BAM based solution would be preferable but I haven't run across one yet (at least not in c, c++, rust etc, I don't want to use a python implementation).

Remember to think about removing supplementary alignments etc from the bam before you convert it to bed format.

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7.0 years ago

use the edit distance 'NM' ? Here is a solution using bioalcidaejdk:

$ java -jar dist/bioalcidaejdk.jar -e 'stream().map(R->R.getReadUnmappedFlag()?0:(int)(100.0*(R.getReadLength()-R.getIntegerAttribute("NM"))/(double)R.getReadLength())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())).forEach((K,V)->{println(K+"\t"+V);});' input.bam
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My bam file was generated as follows:

minimap2 -ax asm10 -t 8 canuAssembly.contigs.mmi demultiplex/BC01.fastq.gz | samtools sort -@8 -o 1.sorted.bam

Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 15966, Read name 1b0bcee6-ba9e-409d-9172-4817a6e6fc4a, CIGAR covers 5190 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 15970, Read name d47ea4a6-ac3a-491d-ad02-fca9ed47a2fd, CIGAR covers 4084 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 15971, Read name 1b0bcee6-ba9e-409d-9172-4817a6e6fc4a, CIGAR covers 5190 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 15973, Read name 80fa6511-2211-43fd-a6cf-fc487c110a54, CIGAR covers 2272 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 16109, Read name 94561bf6-e9dd-4751-acd7-3593ac6f84e5, CIGAR covers 12412 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 16113, Read name 52159ffb-ab8a-409f-add4-142e065e463a, CIGAR covers 5135 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases Ignoring SAM validation error: ERROR: Record 16114, Read name 530f195d-2f2b-4c06-a2c9-f2e565ae779c, CIGAR covers 19737 bases but the sequence is 0 read bases 0 37748 96 1207

0 37748

96 1207

-2147483648 180

97 1054

98 837

99 266

70 1

74 2

80 1

82 1

83 4

84 1

85 11

86 16

87 73

88 389

89 1427

90 2762

91 2513

92 1589

93 1181

94 1275

95 1331

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so this is your histogram : 1st column is read-length - NM, second column is occurence. negative number i (2147483648) might be due to some error in your bams (there is a CIGAR string but the SEQ is empty)

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Sorry Pierre but I think the original question asked a read by read assessment of percent identity, rather than histogram. I was looking for that as well. Is there any way to tailor this so that one column is read name and second column is percent identity to ref? Thanks


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