Despite having an education in 'bioinformatics', my current 'bioinformatics programmer' job involves somewhat more biostatistics than I am comfortable with- sure I could just plug numbers into all of these equations that pop up in the literature, but I start feeling rather uncomfortable in answering questions that people ask, and I'll also be putting together data processing workflows for microarrays, etc. My only formal biostats class involved a professor who was a brilliant stats guy but didn't really teach, and so was a poor experience. Basic stats is easy, but much of what I've seen of statistical processing for microarrays make it seem like these statistical methods are just being pulled out of a magic hat. Working with R makes it seem like a black box, and that's somewhat discomforting.
So the summary is that I'd like to see if anyone has some good recommendations on books/material for figuring out biostats for people who aren't exactly math-oriented. With particular regard to microarrays and analysis of data originating from high-throughput methods.
That O'Reilly data analysis book looks pretty interesting, not sure if I've seen that before.
Great lecture: by Professor Warren Ewens on introduction of biostatistics from the perspective of genetics or genomics. Thanks for the link.