I tried ‘GSEABase’, but too complicated. May someone help me please?
Ideally, a matrix with "gene lists" as the
columns (ie., gene list 1 in column 1, gene list 2 in column 2, etc.)
and rows with the union of all genes. Put a "1" in each cell for a
gene that is present in a gene list and "0" elsewhere.
> make_bipartite_adjacency_from_sets(gene_lists)
Error in attributes(.Data)<- c(attributes(.Data), attrib):'names' attribute [1704] must be the same length as the vector [2]
Called from: structure(res, levels = lv, names = nm, class ="factor")
Thank you, the problem is I can't figure out how make a gene list. For instance, how make gene list or gene set1 by a column of genes?
I made GS1 like this screenshot
but says
can't you just put all your GS* vectors into a named list?
Thanks a lot, without your help definitely I could not figure out for at least 2 weeks...
I did so;