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6.7 years ago
I am trying to reproduce blastn results from the mirbase webpage. Using this:
blastn -query query -db db -max_target_seqs 100 -reward 5 -penalty -4 -num_threads 8 -word_size 4 -evalue 10 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid positive evalue"
blastn -query query -db db -task blastn-short -max_target_seqs 100 -reward 5 -penalty -4 -num_threads 8 -word_size 4 -evalue 10 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid positive evalue"
However, using both commands I am getting the next errors:
Error: Gap existence and extension values 0 and 0 are not supported for substitution scores 5 and -4
10 and 6 are supported existence and extension values
Error:Gap existence and extension values 5 and 2 are not supported for substitution scores 5 and -4
10 and 6 are supported existence and extension values
I am using this blast version: 2.2.31+
I don't know the blast version that they use. Could some one help me reproduce mirbase blastn?
Thank you in advance,
Try this: C: Trying to reproduce mirbase results locally with BLAST
For some reason that doesn't work.