I have done variant calling by bcftools and got vcf files for 18 different samples. Now I want to get the number of SNPs between the samples. Ref or ALT allele should be in the homozygous condition. if one samples has homozygous Ref allele and other sample has homozygous allele then take them into consideration but if both the samples has homozygous ALT allele then ignore that becouse this would not be SNP between the samples. I want to ignore the hetero condition of alleles.
I tried vcf-compare that does not seems answering what i need.
do you have 18 VCF or one VCF with 18 samples ? Also , do you have searched biostars.org for similar posts ?
I have 18 vcf files and i also single vcf file for 18 samples made by vcf-merge command. I am okay to choose any one if the solution is there. I have tried searching in biostars.