I am working on joint genotype call of gvcf files of 200 samples. This is my first time with vcf data. I get the format. but I am struggling with some basic questions like
What is a reference allele e.g. in hg19 file from 1000 genomes_phase3? Is it the reference allele seen on most of people sequence?
What is an alternate allele? Is it the one which is minor allele at that variant and position?
What is NON_REF allele in alt. allele column?
Thanks.. This is awesome!
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Cheers, Wouter
Refer to G5, G5A, KG and KG-PROD tags in dbSNP (refer to dbSNP builds for hg19 equivalent NCBI genome) to know reference allele frequency. dbSNP includes allele frequency from 1000 genome and hapmap projects.