I'm using coverageBed to calculate the depth and breadth of coverage, but I'm not sure I'm doing this right. I want to calculate the two values for each human chromosome.
For example, I've created a bed file with 1 chromosome. When I input my BAM file and the BED file, I get the following output:
chr1 0 249250621 103718897 224950839 249250621 0.9025086
I know the first 3 fields are from my chr BED file, the 4th field is the # of reads, 5th is # of bases covered, 6th is length of chromosome (redundant to field 3), and the last column is the fraction of bases covered (5th field/6th field).
So the 7th/last field gives the breadth of coverage, but I don't see a depth of coverage value. How do I get a depth of coverage?
I see you are looking for coverage on the entire human chrom1. The genomeCoverageBed tool is better suited to "genome scale" coverage statistics. coverageBed is designed for arbitrary BED intervals.
Hello Newbionf. I just read this thread and am interested in how do you create a BED file per chromosome. Thanks. GP.