I'm working from the Biostar Handbook and trying to do the alignment with tophat. I'm on page 480 for reference.
I was able to successfully run
$ bowtie2-build $REF $IDX
However, then it says that I need to change the invocation of the aligner to
$ tophat -G $GTF -o tophat_hbr1 $IDX $R1 $R2
bash: /usr/bin/tophat: No such file or directory
And that's my output. If I do which tophat, nothing comes up, so it seems like it's just not there. So, I tried to install tophat with
$ conda install tophat
Fetching package metadata .................
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- python 3.6*
- tophat -> python 2.7*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
I saw some solutions online for changing a line of code in tophat to do this, but I don't even know where that file is. I can downgrade python, but I'm not sure if that will work, and I'm worried that I'll break other things if I do. Also, when I do
$ ls /usr/bin | grep python
moltres@moltres-ao ~/biostar/Sequencing/griffith
$ python -V
Python 3.6.3
I see a bunch of different python versions, and I'm not sure if I should switch between them or what.
I'm a little frustrated because I bought this book because I'm a beginner, but I keep running into errors that are over my head. I'd really appreciate help here.
Authors of Tophat paper recommend not to use the software anymore.
That's cool. If I were doing real analysis, that would matter. I'm just trying to learn basics and follow the book. Thanks for the input, though.
As you can see above TopHat requires python v.2.x (and won't run properly with python v.2.x). Your default python is the latest v.3.6.
I am going to suggest that you try the solution given in this thread for now: A: Tophat2 shows error during running (
in the thread is the system prompt so that should be$
for you).Tagging Istvan Albert to make him aware of this hurdle for new users.