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6.9 years ago
I received this error message:
Error in if (var(data.matrix[i, cond2[[j]]]) == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
What does it means.
I followed BatchQC examples,and then created a list of condition_batch file.
batch <- batch_indicator$V1
condition <- batch_indicator$V2
batchQC(signature_data, batch=batch, condition=condition,
report_file="batchqc_signature_data_report.html", report_dir=".",
view_report=FALSE, interactive=TRUE)
I get the same error!
A google search suggested it might be due to missing values (NAs), however I have none. Also used the raw data (instead of log2) and performed a quantile normalization.
Also I checked if all samples in the expression matrix are annotated: they are.
But still I get the same error. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.