Does there exist any tool to do barcode splitting of pair-end sequences?
I realise that FastX toolkit has a barcode splitter. However, it does not work with pair-end sequences since we would need to delete or keep both sequences in the pair.
Anyone know an free software that does this? If not I have have to code one up :(
Isn't fastx_splitter a perl-program? I think we should just add some code to it to allow for paired-end
Hi John, What's the possible cost for Multiplexing sequencing for 4096 samples? I am interested to one genomic region (350bp) in 4096 samples? I want to know the cost of this sequencing. Thanks.
You are posting to a very old thread, it is unlikely the original poster will read this.
In addition, I think it is best to simply ask a sequencing provider of your choice for a quote.