Hello, I run blast2.2.25+ with multiple databases, I would like to view my result for each database in my XML result file, it is possible?
Hello, I run blast2.2.25+ with multiple databases, I would like to view my result for each database in my XML result file, it is possible?
If I remember, Blast can run a search on only 1 database at a time, no ?
To run a Blast on multiple databases, you have to merge them with blastdb_aliastool, which create a "new" database. That's "forbid"/"block" the possibility to distingue initial database used for each result.
If you give multiple databases directly to Blast, I don't know what happened, this is not documented (I didn't found an answer anyway). So I think if it doesn't crash, it probably call blastdb_aliastool.
In any case, on NCBI, Blast XML output is "based" on this DTD : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/data_specs/dtd/NCBI_BlastOutput.mod.dtd
It says we have a "BlastOutput" element (<!ELEMENT BlastOutput ( ... )>) contains a "BLAST Database name" attribute (<!ELEMENT BlastOutput_db (#PCDATA)>) and is a parent of iteration elements (<!ELEMENT Iteration_hits (Hit*)> - one by sequence in the database), which is a parent of hits (<!ELEMENT Hit ( ... )>) which are parents of HSPs (<!ELEMENT Hsp ( ... )>)
So, if you have multiple databases in an XML result file, there is a "BlastOutput" element for each database used, which contain the DB name in "[?]Your DB Name[?]" element, and which also contain results on this database in "[?]" element.
My comments are based on my (failing ?) memory for Blast command line use, so ... If you say that's possible, I believe you. But my others comments stay : how blast treat this multiple databases ? What are the results ? ...
However, as Pierre said, maybe that's another subject ;)
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what do you mean with "view my result for each database" ?
you could use table output instead of XML and do a grep.... Arrgh, no, pleeease don't kill me...
you could use table output instead of XML and do a grep.... Arrgh, no, pleeease don't kill me... :-)
You could also use [?] on multiple xml files instead of one. Care to explain the reason why you want to have it that way?
Yann should explain this him/herself, but I guess this question is about running a blast search against multiple databases in one go and then teasing out the individual databases later. I must admit that I don't really see a problem, as the database identifiers should be part of the hit entry name. In a table, this is easy to parse, and I am sure that the XML gurus can come up with some XSLT magic to this with XML, too. By the way, I see nothing bad in running blast with multiple databases - very efficient if there are multiple small databases.