Sorry -- this should have been an answer, not a comment. You can use the enhancedGraphics app for this, which works fine in 3.x. The app store points to documentation on how to set things up.
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MultiColoredNodes Plugin for Cytoscape
not working with cytoscape 3.6.1 Jar is downloaded from the link but not automatically installed.
From Cytoscape, follow these steps:
Apps + App Manager + Install from file + Select it + Install it + Enjoy it :)
Alreardy tried. No worked saying Jar is missing value from Cytoscape-App in its manifest file.
As far as I know, this is a plugin for Cytoscape 2.x.
You can use the enhancedGraphics app for this, which does work with 3.x
The alternative would be to use R and the igraph package with pie charts as nodes.