I know how to do bulk RNA-seq analysis. First we merge 'fastq.gz' files, then do the alignment, etc. However, in case of scRNA-seq I am completely confused. There are no 'fastq' files in the first place: I did search manually and then using linux's 'find' function for '.fq.gz', 'fastq.gz' files. In the 'Data' folder - I suppose the data should be there - I have many of '.bcl.bgzf' files, each one around 60Mb in size, and 4 '.locs' of '1.1Gb' each. In the top folder I have the following folders: 'Data', 'Config', 'Images', 'InterOp', 'Logs', 'Queued', 'Recipe', 'RTALogs', 'thumbnail_Images'. Are there any tutorials on how to do that? I know there are workflows, e.g.:
But they do not talk about the initial preparation of the fastq files from which their tutorial starts and I suppose I need to prepare them by merging the data that I got.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is how the top folder looks like:
I do not have samplesheet file, definitely no .csv file with sample info provided, so I do not know which file to actually feed in to the suggested software packages, cellranger, etc. Also, I have 4 folders with '.bcl.bgzf' and '.bcl.bgzf.bci' data files and I do not know whether I should point to all of the folders at once, or treat them separately and then combine.
If this is a one time deal you should ask your service provider to do the analysis for you. I am not sure if it is worth doing this yourself, especially if you don't have IT expertise available.
That said relevant software/protocols are available on 10x genomic's web site.
This is definitely not a one-time deal and I will need to analyze many-many samples myself. I am a computer scientist, just with next to no experience in bioinformatics.
We are here to help but it will take some patience. Once you get everything organized and complete one run then it would be a matter of starting a script and waiting for it to complete.