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6.8 years ago
In tool 'AddOrReplaceGroups''s arguments - --RGPL, --RGLB, --RGPU, --RGSM, what do they mean by each one?
In case of RGBL
, should I set a name of read group library now or I should fill in existing name?
And I wanna know exactly what other things mean.
Please explain in detail.
Thank you in advance
Hi, I have multiple read groups in my bam file. I want to replace one read group and not the other. How should i proceed? Picard tools would replace all ? Will linux commands work?
ask this as a new question please. And please, take some time to validate all your previous questions.
If an answer was helpful you should upvote it, if the answer resolved your question you should mark it as accepted.
Ok sure. Thanks a lot.
please validate or comment all your previous questions.