I am reading a paper (link here) where they did a GWAS looking for Alzheimer's-associated genes. In their Table 2, a lot of the associated SNPs have an odds ratio that's less than 1. Does that mean that the minor allele is protective against Alzheimer's? Or, is this just because these are raw odds ratios and do not account for other covariates that were included in the main GWAS?
Thank you for the detailed answer! I'm curious, how trustworthy can we consider the odds ratios in this paper, considering they don't seem to be correcting for any covariates?
Well, one must realise that we only have to correct for covariates when there is evidence of bias (known or unknown) and / or if there is a known confounding factor from the study design. One of the primary concerns is always ethnic differences, but the authors have controlled for that by just including non-Finnish Europeans.
I am not an Alzeimher's researcher, so, I don't know the common confounding factors that are considered. In cancer, we would adjust for things like smoking, BMI, etc. However, I look at the reputation of the journal and the authors and feel content that the results can be interpreted with confidence. This actually looks like one of the better GWAS studies, I must admit. All that said, GWAS studies are renowned for being 'non-reproducible', but there are notable exceptions.
It's all just statistics for now, i.e., until they prove a mechanism through which the variants exert their protective effects.
I know this is irrelevant now but being a part of this project, I feel the need to mention that we did correct for covariates such as age, sex and principal components to adjust for possible population stratification. It is also mentioned in the methods section of the paper