Hi there,
I am new to bio-informatics and R. I have been reading the posts on this website from last few days and it has created some confusions to my previous knowledge.
- What is the difference between the dendrogram generated by OrthoMCL and MEGA based clustal/muscle?
For strains related to same species, what could be the best option for generating their clusters and phylogram tree? (As far as I know, the evolutionary relationship between strains is not that much important)
Can we perform the clustering with OrthoMCL then take some random clusters and perform the alignment to get evolutionary relation?(This is just to save time; as aligning and clustering multiple genomes could take weeks.)
Kindly correct me. Also if you feel that my questions are childish please forgive me.
I am trying to compare multiple genomes of different strains. As there is high number of protein sequences, I am looking for a less time-consuming protocol.
it all depends a little what your goal is. If you just need a preliminary view on the relationships between genes you can get away with interpreting the orthomcl dendrogram, if you need more in-depth results you will need to go further to phylogeny indeed.
That being said: you should not consider these analyses as separate things: orthomcl or any other protein clustering software is always the first step in a phylogenetic analysis. So first you generate protein clusters (= gene families) which you then align and build tree from. It makes no sense to randomly building alignments of genes (let alone build randomly trees), so firstly you need to delineate the gene sets you want to build tress form.