Hello all. I ran into this error and have been trying to fix it with numerous online suggestions but non really worked. I am trying to use a python script to find siRNA overlap in my alignment file. But I keep getting the following error. some of the languages to fix it from online suggestions seem complicated and I am needing help in moving forward to get the overlap.
python overlapping_reads.py --input X.sorted.bam --minquery 21 --maxquery 21 --mintarget 21 --maxtarget 21 --overlap 19 --output X.sorted.siRNA.fasta
Traceback (most recent call last): File "overlapping_reads.py", line 128, in <module> args.mintarget, args.maxtarget, args.overlap) File "overlapping_reads.py", line 46, in __init__ overlap=self.overlap) File "overlapping_reads.py", line 77, in query_positions for genomicKey in self.alignement_dic.keys(): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
code would be helpful :) ThanksAnd your python version.
python version is Python 3.6.3. overlap.py code is bellow. I have tried to down grade the python but the 3.6.3 still shows in my terminal. couldn't paste the entire code because of the number of characters. this is only part of the code.
Can you just give us a link to github or something? BTW, the function you posted isn't terribly informative for your question.