Hello, Bioinformaticians!
I'm new here and I'm really interested in pursuing bioinformatics. I'm currently a first-year MSc student. The actual computer work will be concentrated next year so I have some amount of time to learn everything I can manage. My undergrad is a classic, broad BSc in Biochemistry so I have practically zero experience doing bioinformatics.
So my question is, how different is MacOS/Linux/Windows in the context of bioinformatics? I'll be buying a new laptop to replace my old one and I'm thinking of moving to MacOS OR buying a Windows machine and putting Linux on it. I've read anecdotes that Windows is pretty useless in bioinformatics. Can you shed light on why? And are Macs enough, even though they are less powerful than PCs?
I used a standard Mac Book Pro 13'' from 2010 with 8GB RAM, standard Dual Core processor and an 256GB SSD for several months while I got into bioinformatics. Got most standard things done decently. Especially as a bioinfo rookie, you'll spend much time on writing, reading and understanding code, concepts and file formats, so the stats of your laptop are not too important. Get a system that you feel comfortable with but do not stress you bank account too much on it.