Hi, Trying to run OMA on 2 different cluster. In one cluster, it ran up to 32%, in another one it is cut at the beginning and the conversions are not finished.
But I get the same following error in both cases:
1523613044.955060 - 1 - [pid 22699]: Computing Orcinus_orca vs Bos_taurus (Part 95 of 503) Mem: 1.236GB
/home/nis/daniela/OMA/bin/oma: line 236: 22663 Terminated $OMA_PATH/bin/omadarwin ${darwin_flag} <<EOF
/home/dtejada/OMAstandalone/OMA.2.2.0/bin/oma: line 236: 9919 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $OMA_PATH/bin/omadarwin ${darwin_flag} <<EOF
Can you help me to solve this problem?
edited to add
There is a moment where conversions seem ready but the file says: conversion.running before that I run again OMA and I get the next error and the run die all.
Best regards,
Tagging: adrian.altenhoff
edited to add
The cluster use Sun Grid Engine, I'm still trying to run the data, including the Toy example, but this error always comes up:
Reading GO file... Segmentation fault (core dumped)