In short, I have a list of SNPs that I would like to map to the closest gene within 1000kb. I am using the biomaRt package in R/Bioconductor. I am successfully able to map my SNPs to Genes but only with biomaRt's default bp flanking region (I beleive that is 100kb). Here are my commands to get the Genes.
Also, I am using h19 build.
#Mart used to map SNPs to Ensembl Gene IDs
grch37.snp = useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice",dataset="hsapiens_snp")
#Mart used to map Ensembl Gene IDs to Gene name
grch37 = useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
snpList <- studyResults$SNP #List of 5000 SNPs
1. Mapping SNPs to Ensembl Gene IDs
table1 <- getBM(attributes = c("refsnp_id", "ensembl_gene_stable_id"),
filters = "snp_filter",
values = snpList,
mart = grch37.snp)
2. Mapping Ensembl Gene IDs to Gene names
table2 <- getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name","external_gene_source","variation_name","start_position","end_position","description"),
filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
values = table1$ensembl_gene_stable_id,
mart = grch37)
3. Merge both tables
results <- merge(table1,table2, by.x = "ensembl_gene_stable_id", by.y="ensembl_gene_id", all.x=T)
So here's my question: How do I specify the region I want? Right now, biomaRt is mapping the SNP to the gene within 100kb, but I want to map the SNP to the gene within 1000kb.
If I can't do this in biomaRt, I welcome alternative solutions!
Thanks! I actually have the BP of each SNP! I'll try and start from there :)
Hi, I am working on this problem also. When I followed the step 4 using findOverlaps function in GenomicRanges, a mistake popped out.
`> findOverlaps( snp.gr, annot.gr, maxgap = 1000) Hits object with 102300 hits and 0 metadata columns: queryHits subjectHits <integer> <integer> [1] 4231 22438 [2] 4474 23304 [3] 13285 23304 [4] 16393 23304 [5] 19266 23545 ... ... ... [102296] 123777 9501 [102297] 123778 9501 [102298] 123779 6078 [102299] 123780 6078 [102300] 123781 6078
queryLength: 123781 / subjectLength: 64616 Warning message: In .Seqinfo.mergexy(x, y) : Each of the 2 combined objects has sequence levels not in the other: - in 'x': CHR_HG2216_PATCH, CHR_HG23_PATCH, CHR_HSCHR1_4_CTG32_1, CHR_HSCHR11_1_CTG1_1, CHR_HSCHR11_1_CTG2, CHR_HSCHR11_1_CTG3, CHR_HSCHR12_1_CTG2, CHR_HSCHR13_1_CTG2, CHR_HSCHR13_1_CTG4, CHR_HSCHR13_1_CTG6, CHR_HSCHR13_1_CTG7, CHR_HSCHR16_3_CTG3_1, CHR_HSCHR18_1_CTG2, CHR_HSCHR18_4_CTG1_1, CHR_HSCHR2_5_CTG7_2, CHR_HSCHR3_3_CTG2_1, CHR_HSCHR4_1_CTG8_1, CHR_HSCHR9_1_CTG7 - in 'y': CHR_HG1_PATCH, CHR_HG1342_HG2282_PATCH, CHR_HG1531_PATCH, CHR_HG1535_PATCH, CHR_HG1708_PATCH, CHR_HG1815_PATCH, CHR_HG2002_PATCH, CHR_HG2022_PATCH, CHR_HG2046_PATCH, CHR_HG2047_PATCH, CHR_HG2057_PATCH, CHR_HG2060_PATCH, CHR_HG2062_PATCH, CHR_HG2067_PATCH, CHR_HG2088_PATCH, CHR_HG2114_PATCH, CHR_HG2133_PATCH, CHR_HG2236_PATCH, CHR_HG2247_PATCH, CHR_HG2263_PATCH, CHR_HG2266_PATCH, CHR_HG2285_HG106_HG2252_PATCH, CHR_HG2291_PATCH, CHR_HG2412_PATCH, CHR_HG2419_PATCH, CHR_HG2442_PATCH, CHR_HG30_PATCH, CHR_HG708_PATCH, CHR_HG76_PATCH, CHR_HG926_ [... truncated]`
How should I fix this? Thank you in advance!
As explained in the warning message, it seems that your query snp.gr) and your subject annot.gr) have some chromosome names which are not in common. This is a warning not an error so if you expect different chromosome names there is nothing to fix.
Got it. Thanks a lot!