Hello everyone, I have BigWig files from a ChIP-Seq experiment. I need to find the differences between the two tissues. How can I find the information like differentially changed genes with p-values or fold changes of peaks between two tissues? Maybe a desktop app to visualize my files can work.
I am sorry my question is really simple maybe but I am in a rush and I only have BigWig files. Also I can convert BigWig files to BedGraph files.
Thank you.
I am using deepTools now (on Galaxy Server) and compare the BigWig files then my plan is to visualize them in IGV but the problem is my BigWig files does not include any gene information.
I am not sure what should I do now.
BigWig files can't contain gene information, you'll need a BED or GTF file with that.
Thank you for your help. I think I should start from raw data to have better result.
Hi, You can open the bigwig file with the .fasta file and .gff file on igv. That way you can compare the peaks across different conditions.