There are a few ways to do this, but first you should download the GENCODE 'Comprehensive gene annotation' reference transcriptome file for either GRCh38 / hg38 or GRCh37 / hg19. Obviously, the version will depend on the reference genome build to which you have aligned your reads.
When you download that, take a look at it in order to understand how the data is formatted. Specifically, the gene biotype and the HUGO gene names are encoded in the following attributes: gene_type
To see all of the different gene biotypes available in these, see here: Gene/Transcript Biotypes in GENCODE & Ensembl
With this information under your belt, you can then count reads over each transcript:
1 - BEDTools
bedtools coverage -a gencode.v28.annotation.gtf -b MyReads.bam
Further information:
2 - featureCounts
featureCounts -a gencode.v28.annotation.gtf -o MyReads.counts.txt --largestOverlap -t exon -g gene_name -s 0 -p -T 8 MyReads.bam
Further information:
In both cases, the original entries from the GTF should be included in the output. So, you will still require some scripting skills in order to parse out what you need.
I believe RseQC has a script for that, see