I've Human Exon v2 microarray expression data for 223 people. I think I'm lost on my way to analyse data using different packages, normalization, etc. Would really appreciate your help. Here, I'm using aroma to get FIRMA scores but I get 0 or NULL value in output. I'm working with five .cel files to get some thing up and running.
Code and steps:
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HuEx-1_0-st-v2")
cs <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName("celfiles", cdf=cdf) # rawdata in cwd. HuEx-1_0-st-v2 in celfiles # this should match cdf file names too
bc <- RmaBackgroundCorrection(cs) #backgroun
csBC <- process(bc,verbose=verbose)
qn <- QuantileNormalization(csBC, typesToUpdate="pm") #quantile norm
csN <- process(qn, verbose=verbose)
getCdf(csN) ##get CDF infor
plmTr <- ExonRmaPlm(csN, mergeGroups=TRUE) #entrire transcript #for exon-by-exon mergeGroup make FALSE
#----alternative splicing for transcript PLM - stage 1
firma <- FirmaModel(plmTr) #The FIRMA analysis only works from the PLM based on transcripts.
fit(firma, verbose=verbose)
fs <- getFirmaScores(firma)
cestrfs <- extractDataFrame(fs, units=1:3, addNames=TRUE) #extract the FIRMA scores -- but Nan
#extract the estimates (transcript or probeset) use either - here transcript
#stage 2
cesTr <- getChipEffectSet(plmTr)
trFit <- extractDataFrame(cesTr, units=1:3, addNames=TRUE) # gives 0
I don't know what's wrong here.
For stage 1, FIRMA score per transcript is NAN and estimate for transcript is 0 in stage 2.
Aroma google groups is inactive. :(
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType(chipType,tags="coreR2,A20070914,EP")
This doesn't work because I don't have annotation file that ends with coreR2, A20070914,EP
I get error as:
Oh, did you not see the statetment:
When you go to the link in that statement on the ARoma website, you can then get the CDF and other necessary annotation files from here: http://www.aroma-project.org/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2/ (see 'Resources')