The command lines for the two steps:
mach1 -p mysamples.22.merlin.ped -d mysamples.dat --vcfReference -h ~/xdata/reference/1kg/b37/ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --compact -r 30 --prefix mysamples.mach1step1
mach1 -p mysamples.22.merlin.ped -d mysamples.22.dat --vcfReference -h ~/xdata/reference/1kg/b37/ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --crossover mysamples.22.mach1step1.rec --errormap mysamples.22.mach1step1.erate --greedy --geno --quality --dosage --probs --mle --mldetails --autoFlip --mask 0.05 --prefix mysamples.22.mach1step2
The problem:
I have two 6758 SNPs in mysamples.22.merlin.ped & mysamples.dat as the input files for step 1. But after step 2, the result files (.mlinfo, .mlgeno, .mldose) still contain 6758 SNPs. No more, no less.
The question:
Why did the imputed SNPs go?