I am using trimmomatic for quality trimming of fastq files for my project. im usig default values for paired end reads that trim the sequences at "phred 33". can anyone help me to know how to change the phred value from default 33 to 20 or any other value for paired and single reads??? the command line im using is given below:
java -jar trimmomatic-0.36.jar PE /data/memo/SRR9590_1.fastq \
/data/memona/SRR9590_2.fastq SRR959590_A_1P.fq SRR9590_A_1U.fq \
SRR9590_A_2P.fq SRR9590_A_2U.fq \
ILLUMINACLIP:/data/memona/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 \
phred 33, is your imported file encoding format, actually. trimmomatic can not recommend you such parameters to trim, it's only a trimmer.
I recommend you 123Fastq which combine FASTQC and trimmomatic in a highly interactive graphical user interface. 123Fastq can suggest you recommendation to trim based on your QC results. it also added some improvements to QC modules of FASTQC, added a Kmer-based approach to remove adapters in the trimming, and many other features. try it your own: https://sourceforge.net/projects/project-123ngs/
The Quality (Phred) scores, is published here :
So a Q3, means you will accept minimum 36 of quality score per base.
You can follow the table to setup you costume value.