Here's one way to do it in Python using matplotlib and data downloaded from the cytoBandIdeo
table from UCSC's Table Browser saved as ideogram.txt
Rough script to plot chromosome ideograms using data from UCSC
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import BrokenBarHCollection
color_lookup = {
'gneg': (1., 1., 1.),
'gpos25': (.6, .6, .6),
'gpos50': (.4, .4, .4),
'gpos75': (.2, .2, .2),
'gpos100': (0., 0., 0.),
'acen': (.8, .4, .4),
'gvar': (.8, .8, .8),
'stalk': (.9, .9, .9),
height = 0.9
spacing = 0.9
def ideograms(fn):
last_chrom = None
fin = open(fn)
xranges, colors = [], []
ymin = 0
for line in fin:
chrom, start, stop, label, stain = line.strip().split('\t')
start = int(start)
stop = int(stop)
width = stop - start
if chrom == last_chrom or (last_chrom is None):
xranges.append((start, width))
last_chrom = chrom
ymin += height + spacing
yrange = (ymin, height)
yield xranges, yrange, colors, last_chrom
xranges, colors = [], []
xranges.append((start, width))
last_chrom = chrom
# last one
ymin += height + spacing
yrange = (ymin, height)
yield xranges, yrange, colors, last_chrom
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
d = {}
yticks = []
yticklabels = []
# ideogram.txt downloaded from UCSC's table browser
for xranges, yrange, colors, label in ideograms('ideogram.txt'):
coll = BrokenBarHCollection(xranges, yrange, facecolors=colors)
center = yrange[0] + yrange[1]/2.
d[label] = xranges
I don't know details about the staining (so my colors are probably off), but this should hopefully get you started. Since it's off-the-shelf matplotlib and the x-axis is in bp, you can easily add lines/annotations for your own data.
![alt text](
Edit, 4 yrs later... see an improved version over at A: Matplotlib comprehensive chromosome drawing
Thanks, exactly a great start for me.
This is very nice, thank you for posting it.
Wow, very nice, thank you! I needed something similar.
Hi! This is a great way to visualise binding sites on ideogram but how can this be further made elegant in terms of looks. I mean instead of horzontal lines can't we have it as vertical and with a bit more resolution? I know, I am asking too much but was just wondering. :)