AFAIK bedtools only allows for '>chrom:start-stop' (default) or '>name' (-name)
Is it possible to have both, i.e. for a .bed feature
chr1 100 110 name . +
i want to have an output like
AFAIK bedtools only allows for '>chrom:start-stop' (default) or '>name' (-name)
Is it possible to have both, i.e. for a .bed feature
chr1 100 110 name . +
i want to have an output like
Does name come from bed or from fasta header or fasta file name? From OP, it seems it comes from bed. If so you can create a fifth column with desired string.
$ awk -v OFS="\t" '{$5=$4":"$1":"$2"-"$3}1' test.bed | bedtools getfasta -fi test.fa -bed - -name
you could first use the -name
option. And than change the id with a little python script using Biopython like this:
from Bio import SeqIO
bed_file = "./regions.bed"
original_file = "./original.fasta"
renamed_file = "./renamed.fasta"
regions = dict()
records = []
with open(bed_file, "r") as bed:
for line in bed:
data = line.strip().split("\t")
regions[data[3]] = data
for record in SeqIO.parse(original_file, 'fasta'): = "{3}:{0}:{1}-{2}({5})".format(*regions[])
record.description =
SeqIO.write(records, renamed_file, 'fasta')
fin swimmer
EDIT: Code correction. The original has overwritten the renamed.fasta in every iteration.
You could use samtools faidx
$ < in.bed > out.fa
If you want the header to have a custom format, just edit line 67:
my $header = ">".join(":",($chr, $start, $stop, $id, $score, $strand));
You could move $id
to the front of the list, for instance.
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