So, I want to visualize my network with cytoscape. I generate my network using R and it is a csv file. The columns are gene source, type of relationship, and gene target. I have successfully generate the network and it is really nice.
I want to add information about gene expression from another table which will mention if a gene is up/down regulated and want to use different color (red for up, green for down, and white for no change). I can generate this file in a csv with 2 columns, gene and type (up/down/no change). How can I use this in Cytoscape? Thank you.
Great description. I'll just add that in the last step, when you're assigning colors to each category, you can alternatively right-click anywhere on that property, choose Mapping Value Generators, and then select a preset range of colors to automatically perform the assignment. This is helpful when there are many discrete values. This is all covered in the manual here: http://manual.cytoscape.org/en/stable/Styles.html#tutorial-2-creating-a-new-style-with-a-discrete-mapping