Hi there, I'm trying to visualize a reference genome in IGV and annotate the genes using a custom made GFF file. The snapshot of the IGV looks something like this. I am particularly curious about the pink labeled track. The GFF for the pink track looks something like this:
NC_023010.2 glimmer cds 5011 3686 3.08 - 1 orf00005;
NC_023010.2 glimmer cds 5052 5264 0.82 + 2 orf00006;
NC_023010.2 glimmer cds 5637 6800 3.11 + 2 orf00007;
As you can see, orf00005 is labeled differently. Does anyone know why this is so? Is that partial gene?
Thanks for the help!
Hmm, I don't think that's the problem because there are other orfs that go in reverse direction too (HSP_RS15385). I found this answer from another site (https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/68431/clarification-on-refseq-genes-track-on-igv) The thinner line is supposed to be untranslated region. Now I have to figure out why it is so while other tracks are considered translated region.
Orfs that "go in reverse direction" has nothing to do with the start and end coordinates, this is an indication of strand:
The feature you indicated (HISP_RS15385) is on minus strand, as orf00005, hence both have left-facing arrows. However, if you look at the gff, its start coordinate is less than the end coordinate ( 36612 < 37661 ):
I see! Got it, thank you so much for pointing out. That's really weird that Glimmer GFF has that kind of format. I'll check again with the formatting with that file. Thanks!