Yes, that's the conclusion that I got, too, i.e., that each author does it a different way. You know what? - I also did it a different way and here's what I did:
Given that most of these databases provide in siico predictions, and in some cases have come under scrutiny and criticism, the more corroborative evidence that you can accumulate for each mir, the better. There is an R package that does this for you, called miRNAtap. Whilst it doesn't have all of the databases that you mention, it does look at:
- DIANA (Vlachos et al., 2012)
- PicTar (Krek et al., 2015)
- TargetScan (Agarwal et al., 2015)
- miRanda (Betel et al., 2008)
- miRDB (Wong & Wang, 2015)
The good thing here is that you can automate it and say that you want evidence for an interaction in at least 3 of these databases, or even 5 (all). miRNAtap also let's you to do gene enrichment of the genes targeted by each of your mirs of interest, whilst in addition the tutorial to which I've linked also shows how you can perform KEGG pathway enrichment of these, too (using KEGGprofile).
miRWalk, I believe, was the database that came under some scrutiny in the past, but they appeared to then improve the data held in it. For one, they actually have validated mir-to-mir, mir-to-gene, etc interactions, i.e., from functional studies. In my study (yet to be published), I used miRWalk as a sort of secondary validation step for anything of interest found in the first part using miRNAtap.
After you have identified some key mirs and gene targets, you can develop some nice figures like a mirPrint (a term that I chose) and a graph (yet unnamed) that shows the key mirs and their gene targets, and also the layering of the graph indicates how many mirs target the same gene.

Just to give you some ideas.
@kevin Blighe Nice to create the two graphs that you showed here. For example, I have two miRNAs: hsa-let-7a, and hsa-miR-4511
Hello, the code is somewhat complex. In which plot are you more interested? I can post a tutorial over the weekend.
Hi, I am interested in the first one. Thanks