1) Hi, Im using Mac OS and I'm having difficulty to run fastqc using terminal. It shows like this:
This is the source distribution of FastQC. You need to get the compiled version if you want to run the program
i've downloaded many time including the zip file. What should i do?
2) Another problem is the module command. I used "module load FastQC/0.11.2" and has error message like this: -bash: module: command not found
I really need your help. Tq
Could you give us the link of your download and the command line you used please.
Did you follow these steps ? https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/INSTALL.txt
If you're on Mac OS you do not need a zip file but a DMG image
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It seems like your first have to compile fastQc in your system.
Also the 'module' system will not be present if it has not been installed separately (this has nothing to do with FastQC itself though) and you don't actually need it to run FastQC
How to compile? I don't really understand that part
And if i may ask, how to install 'module'?
Follow the instructions as indicated by Bastien Hervé , (it is not actually compiling the software but anyway).
I would personally not bother installing the whole module systems if you are running this on your own personal device. Just call FastQC directly