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6.7 years ago
Hi all,
Im using Hisat2 to align RNAseq data and encountering following error:
(ERR): hisat2-align died with signal 8 (FPE) (core dumped)
using following command
./hisat2 --mp 0,0 --np 0 --pen-noncansplice 10000000 --min-intronlen 20 --max-intronlen 10000 --novel-splicesite-outfile /data/memona/hisat2-2.1.0/result/ --rna-strandness RF --dta -p64 --summary-file -x /data/memona/hisat2-2.1.0/hisat_index -1 /data/memona/Trimmomatic-0.36/SRR9591_E_1P.fq -2 /data/memona/Trimmomatic-0.36/SRR9591_E_2P.fq -S /data/memona/hisat2-2.1.0/result/hisat_align.sam
can anyone kindly suggest possible cause and solution to the problem.
im using hisat2-2.1.0 version.
i have resolved the above problem after correcting one filter but now problem is that im unable to get information about splice junctions with this command. its producing only alignment and nothing else. any kind help???
thank you
Could you try changing this
thanks for the guidance. yes it has produced the output but is giving only 3 fields given below:;
while not mentioning the canonical/non canonical status and junction nucleotide info.
further is it important to build the index with --ss and --exon options to determine the splice sites...????