I have deployed a JBrowse site, following http://jbrowse.org/code/JBrowse-1.14.1/docs/tutorial/
It's based on Ensembl 74 mouse. I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along, but I can't seem to see the Ensembl genes, or search with gene IDs or gene symbols. I do see, and can search on transcript IDs.
The gene ID and symbol values are present in the GFF3 file... but maybe not in the right pace? Maybe I need to import the GFF3 into JBrowse with come custom field specification?
mark@office:/var/www/html/jbrowse$ head Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.gff3
# gffread-0.9.12.Linux_x86_64/gffread -E Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.gtf -o-
# gffread v0.9.12
##gff-version 3
1 unprocessed_pseudogene transcript 3054233 3054733 . + . ID=ENSMUST00000160944;geneID=ENSMUSG00000090025;gene_name=Gm16088
1 unprocessed_pseudogene exon 3054233 3054733 . + . Parent=ENSMUST00000160944
1 snRNA transcript 3102016 3102125 . + . ID=ENSMUST00000082908;geneID=ENSMUSG00000064842;gene_name=Gm26206
1 snRNA exon 3102016 3102125 . + . Parent=ENSMUST00000082908
1 processed_transcript transcript 3205901 3216344 . - . ID=ENSMUST00000162897;geneID=ENSMUSG00000051951;gene_name=Xkr4
1 processed_transcript exon 3205901 3207317 . - . Parent=ENSMUST00000162897
1 processed_transcript exon 3213609 3216344 . - . Parent=ENSMUST00000162897
I'm seeing the same kind of thing in Tablet. Gene IDs and names/symbols are included as tags on transcripts
GFF type: TRANSCRIPT Name: ENSMUST00000082388 Padded: 70 to 1,024 Unpadded: 70 to 1,024 Tags: ID=ENSMUST00000082388 geneID=ENSMUSG00000064337 gene_name=mt-Rnr1
Here's how I prepared my JBrowse:
bin/prepare-refseqs.pl Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.dna.primary_assembly.fa
gffread -E Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.gtf -o- > Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.gff3
bin/flatfile-to-json.pl --gff Mus_musculus.GRCm38.74.gff3 --trackType CanvasFeatures \
--trackLabel Mm74gff
bin/add-bam-track.pl --label 3_1_reads --bam_url my_sorted_indexed.bam --in data/trackList.json
bin/generate-names.pl -v