I have been trying to perform the MSMC pipeline. I have 6 vcf files (obtained with GATK). I want to obtained the masked bed files and their corresponding vcf files. I have been performing the script: vcfAllSiteParser.py but it doesn't work. The output is empty (file.bed and file.vcf), even after running for a long time. I'm running the commands:
vcfAllSiteParser.py file1_GATK.vcf file1.bed > file1_new.vcf
And, I have changed the name of the script:
vcfCaller.py file1_GATK.vcf file1.bed > file1_new.vcf
Someone could help me to figure out a solution?
Thank you so much !!
Best wishes,
cross-asked: https://github.com/stschiff/msmc-tools/issues/11
Thank you so much!! I'm going to perform bedtools complement
Best wishes,
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