Hey all,
I've been stalking this website for a few months for help (with success), and now I've run into my first problem that I can't solve :O . I am a wet-biologist by training so I'm still a noob at bioinformatics!
I am using STAR for E. coli reads and lately I have been receiving "segmentation Fault" error during the mapping portion. I have about 25 Gb of free RAM and read/write/execute permissions all set for user. I am using Debian and tried using both STAR versions2.5 & 2.6 I do not think anything is wrong with my code... STAR --runThreadN 3 --genomeDir /home/jonathan7/Documents/Comp_Micro/STAR/Escherchia_coli_UTI89/ --sjdbGTFfile /home/jonathan7/Documents/Comp_Micro/STAR/Escherchia_coli_UTI89/UTI89_annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100 --readFilesIn /home/jonathan7/Documents/Comp_Micro/STAR/Escherchia_coli_UTI89/UTI89_PostTrim1.fastq /home/jonathan7/Documents/Comp_Micro/STAR/Escherchia_coli_UTI89/UTI89_PostTrim2.fastq --readFilesCommand zcat --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate Unsorted
Does anyone have a fix or some suggestions so I may continue troubleshooting?
Hey Bastien, thank you for your clarification in splitting the commands. This is way is cleaner for sure! While the genome generation has not been a problem, I am still receiving the "segmentation fault" error the alignment portion.
Additionally, I think that the --readFilesCommand zcat must follow the rna-seq FASTQ files? Regardless, do you have any further suggestions? Thanks for your time!
Could you please execute the following command and copy/paste the result below :
ls -alt /home/jonathan7/Documents/Comp_Micro/STAR/Escherchia_coli_UTI89/
--readFilesCommand UncompressionCommand option, where UncompressionCommand is the
un-compression command that takes the file name as input parameter, and sends the uncompressed
output to stdout. For example, for gzipped files (*.gz) use --readFilesCommand zcat
OR --readFilesCommand gunzip -c. For bzip2-compressed files, use --readFilesCommand
bunzip2 -c
As you have UTI89_PostTrim1.fastq and not UTI89_PostTrim1.fastq.gz, you do not need --readFilesCommand
Oh lovely, it is just a fatal input error now based on a read input rather than a "Segmentation Fault". Anyway, the log.out file exceeds the character limitation, which specific portions are necessary for diagnostics?
Haha sorry for the tilt, as I mentioned in the header... I am a noob :P .
Besides, I kept both files w/ & w/o gzip in the directory just to try to see if it would result in a memory difference and must have confused them in the original post but..... I tried both options from your new command with the gz files and they still lead back to Segmentation Fault again.
Most likely the genome being small would be the problem. I had encountered seg-fault issue while dealing with very small genomes. Pasted below is a snippet from section 2.2.5 of STAR 2.4 manual. Please see whether setting the parameter as advised would solve the issue.
Very small genome.
For small genomes, the parameter --genomeSAindexNbases needs to be scaled down, with a typical value of min(14, log2(GenomeLength)/2 - 1). For example, for 1 megaBase genome, this is equal to 9, for 100 kiloBase genome, this is equal to 7.
Hey Jeffin,
I just tried this without any success in fixing the segmentation fault. But surely, you are correct...this would be great to keep in my code :P
Could you copy/paste the log file involved please.
Do not use
--readFilesCommand zcat
if your files are not compressedDid your index creation end succesfully ?
What was your command to create your index file ?