I have been trying to understand relative expression of two transcripts from a gene.
Let's, say I have a gene with 6 exon and it produces two transcripts: isoform 1 with all 6 exons. and isoform 2 with exon 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6.
I have bam files STAR and I don't want to do alignment again so I would really appreciate if anyone can suggest tool that will quantify these two isoforms.
Yes, I have identified the transcripts and I have generated GTF file of two transcripts. Now I am trying to get the relative abundance but I getting "Error: could not any valid reference transcripts in Demo.gtf (invalid GTF/GFF file?)?
It's also worth adding here, that Salmon needs a tool called Wasabi, to make the output into a h5 structure, ready for differential isoform modelling in Sleuth
Why do I need to use reference GTF when I can use gtf of two
A reference is required when you are performing "reference guided assembly". Information of the genomic features will be utilized from the reference GTF file. Are you trying to do a de novo assembly?
Is it something StrinTie requires??
Its optional, stringtie can perform denovo assembly.
Again, the problem with RSEM is the alignment. I have bam files from STAR and they are not compatible with RSEM and same goes for cufflinks as well. Honestly I can't afford realignment so trying to find way to utilise what I have at the moment. Anyways, thank you for your help and time.
If "time" is the concern, then you can try HISAT2 for alignment, but the call is yours! You're welcome. I ll be glad if you share the final thing that helped.
Jeffin, you are right cufflinks accepts the STAR bam files but results are different. I tried feeding one sample bam from TopHat and STAR. Anyways, I got splicing information from various tool and now I am planning use that value.
I posted this question here because I wish to compare entire transcript expression rather than alternative exon.
Try miso as well.
I have MISO results and as you know miso only consider alternative exon along with upstream and downstream exons but not entire transcript.