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6.7 years ago
How can I write the values of Formal class 'DESeqResults' [package "DESeq2"] with 6 slots
log2 fold change (MAP): condition treat vs ctrl
Wald test p-value: condition treat vs ctrl
DataFrame with 15729 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
A 302.12240 0.35943317 0.15667370 2.294151 2.178181e-02
B 18.83989 0.20074213 0.29998407 0.669176 5.033832e-01
C 5946.15326 0.07679007 0.05139921 1.493993 1.351774e-01
D 6018.48179 -0.09557543 0.07490464 -1.275961 2.019692e-01
E 7302.76778 -0.31757508 0.05084542 -6.245894 4.213826e-10
to TSV file? Using readr::write_tsv
gives an error
Thanks! - I looked through the manual but not the vignette - the solution is trivial
What do you mean by trivial? Isn't the vignette/manual helpful? Can you post the commands you tried?
He's saying it's an easy solution - he just didn't know where to look.