I tried to run RaxML(https://sco.h-its.org/exelixis/resource/download/NewManual.pdf) tool to generate phylogenetic tree (Maximum Likelihood tree) using the command below. I ran 100 bootstraps and got the tree, but the bootstrap value on the tree is 100 for all branches. I compared the same data and made the ML tree with mega which gave me similar topology but completely different bootstrap values. Could someone please help me if there is anything I am doing wrong with my commands below. Thanks for your help in advance.
Here is my aligned fasta file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9s05msdpn67tqnh/test_mpk.fas?dl=0
Performed model test using PROTGAMMAAUTO command:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -s test_mpk.fas -n mpktreeml -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -p 84381764921 -T 20
Then, I ran 100 boostrap trees:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -s test_mpk.fas -n mpktreeml_bootstrap_r -N 100 -m PROTGAMMAJTT -p 427482396541 -T 20
concatenated all tree files:
cat mpktreeml_bootstrap_r* > allBootstraps
Tested majority rule consensus:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -z allBootstraps -m PROTGAMMAJTT -I autoMRE -n TEST -p 3824142315 -T 20
Then finally, got the tree:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -f b -z allBootstraps -t mpktreeml_bootstrap -m PROTGAMMAJTT -n mpkBOOTSTRAP.txt
I then used itol to view mpkBOOTSTRAP.txt which looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gi6i6vkisu8eue4/0FklaRAXqssnABHmZR-Cow.pdf?dl=0
The tree above looks good except it doesn't show correct bootstrap values compared to the tree generated by mega: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xy06glvud0izr1q/mega_mpk_tree.pdf?dl=0
same as-N
? Here is what they mentioned " The current MPI version only works properly if you specify the # or N option in the command line, since it has been designed to do multiple inferences or rapid/standard BS (bootstrap) searches in parallel!"You might be right. I've only ever seen the hash used personally, thought I doubt thats really the problem.
Do you really need to use the PTHREADS binary anyway? Your tree isn't very large, I haven't looked at the fasta file, but at 18k I'd guess that's not very large either.
Personally, ever since I discovered IQ-Tree, I stopped using raxml (which to my mind has one of the most confusing CLIs in existence).
Yes I need to do this in HPC. The data I am sharing here is just a mock data. I have a very large data to be analyzed so would like multithreading option.
I can't see anything on that manual page about
, though I'm not at a terminal to check it myself. Might be worth just trying it with-#
instead to see if that solves it?