I'm trying to intersect two tracks and only keep the transcripts from input a that overlap with input b. In this case intersect -u or -wa would work well for me.
Shown in pink are the two tracks I want to intersect. -a is on top and -b is on bottom. Both in pink.
Now, shown in blue is the result from the intersection. Note how some of the transcripts at the very top look like they lose their exon and intron identification they are just one solid dark blue bar. what is going on? why does this happen?
I have a second issue. The input -b track only lists exons and not introns, however, IGV magically draws introns between them. How do I stop IGV displaying these introns?
code in case you want to see it.
from pybedtools import BedTool
mcf7 = BedTool('MCF7hg19.gtf')
transposons = BedTool('UniqueTransposonsMCF7vsGENCODE.gtf')
TranscriptsTransposons = mcf7.intersect(transposons, wa=True)
Thanks, Alex
So, I just tried your suggestion. The result I got was not good. Please see below. Do you know why I am getting all of these solid lines that are neither exonic nor interexonic?
Sorry, I wasn't thinking correctly. Your suggestion of converting bed to gif does work. I was accidentally converting the incorrect file leading to the garbage output.
Moved ATpoint's comment to an Answer.
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