I am trying to analyse the small RNA sequencing data for Bombyx mori. I have used the ASM15162v1 version of genome as reference. Also, I wanted to count the features of all mapped reads by using the gff file provided for the same available at Ensembl Using htseq or featureCount I am unable to count. It shows an error saying it is a non-standard gff file. I have pasted the three line example of the gff file below. It is indeed not like the standard gtf available for humans.
NW_004581272.1 BestRefSeq exon 5598 5608 . - . ID=id5;Parent=rna0;Dbxref=GeneID:100141452,Genbank:NM_001114933.1;Note=The RefSeq transcript has 3 frameshifts and aligns at 7%25 coverage compared to this genomic sequence;end_range=5608,.;exception=annotated by transcript or proteomic data;gbkey=mRNA;gene=Titin1;inference=similar to RNA sequence%2C mRNA (same species):RefSeq:NM_001114933.1;partial=true;product=Titin-like protein;transcript_id=NM_001114933.1
NW_004581272.1 BestRefSeq exon 5568 5595 . - . ID=id6;Parent=rna0;Dbxref=GeneID:100141452,Genbank:NM_001114933.1;Note=The RefSeq transcript has 3 frameshifts and aligns at 7%25 coverage compared to this genomic sequence;exception=annotated by transcript or proteomic data;gbkey=mRNA;gene=Titin1;inference=similar to RNA sequence%2C mRNA (same species):RefSeq:NM_001114933.1;partial=true;product=Titin-like protein;transcript_id=NM_001114933.1
NW_004581272.1 BestRefSeq exon 4884 5565 . - . ID=id7;Parent=rna0;Dbxref=GeneID:100141452,Genbank:NM_001114933.1;Note=The RefSeq transcript has 3 frameshifts and aligns at 7%25 coverage compared to this genomic sequence;exception=annotated by transcript or proteomic data;gbkey=mRNA;gene=Titin1;inference= similar to RNA sequence%2C mRNA (same species):RefSeq:NM_001114933.1;partial=true;product=Titin-like protein;transcript_id=NM_001114933.1
Are there any tools to convert the above gff format to the one such as human gtf?
The command for htseq i use is
htseq-count -m intersection-nonempty -q -t exon -s no PsC.bam ASM15162v1.gff
Which throws an error messagefeatureCount also throws a warning message