Hello everyone !!
I have a problem with the chromosome's column in my BED files and I'll try to explain that. I have bed files from a peak calling (in format narrowPeak) and in the column chr, we have just the number of the chr that is writting and we need 'chr+the number of the chr' writting.
Let's take an example of my file to be more clear:
File 1: wrong writting in the column chr
chr-number start-position end-position
1 10003 10454
File 2: good writting in the column chr
chr-number start-position end-position
chr1 10003 10454
I need the first column of my file is writting with 'chr+number of the chr' and not just with the number because I'm doing intersectBed (bedtools) with an other file after the peak caling and this other file is writting with 'chr+the number of the chr' in the chr's column so I have an error message :
ERROR: File some.bed has inconsistent naming convention for record:
1 10003 10454 [...]
Please help me to solve this !! How can I add 'chr' before the number in the fist column of my bed file ?? And I need to add this for each line of my bed file because I've just the number of the chr writting
Thank you in advance !!
please validate: C: Problem with the installation of Zinba(peak caller) on R
Sorry, I forgot !! It's now done
please, comment or validate: C: ATAC-seq : strategies to have the list of the expressed genes
search for
awk prepend first column
. The answer here will take you to a hairs width from the solution.