While trying to run RepeatMasker I get the error
The RepeatMasker.lib file is out of date. This version of RepeatMasker requires library version 20140131 or higher. Your version is 20110419.
I am still waiting for a response from Genetic Information Research Institute for a password to login for downloading and using their libraries to run repeatmasker. Would that fix this error?
Also I haven't been able to see the default libraries but I am guessing that it is suitable to be used on any genome when we haven't got our own custom made libraries. Is that so?
I have the exact same problem, exact same numbers.
I thought the library mentioned came with the repeatmasker distribution? I have the RepBase19.06.fasta but those have a different file type? Cannot figure how that would replace the repeatmasker.lib?
Did you work out a solution?
I know it won't help much but I have the same problem.
I tried using a custom library (that I made) and it still gives me the same error and as Susan mentioned the library comes with the program so I don't know why it would be incompatible.