I used paired-end sequence data for copy number variation study; and eventually get .txt files as output. I'm hoping to use Bedtools to compare my results with others.
Can I convert .txt files into .bed files? (I don't see option in Bedtools)
If Bedtools is not working, what software can I use for data comparison?
my lines of txt is just like:
deletion chr9:6169901-6173000 3100
deletion chr9:7657401-7658800 1400
deletion chr9:8847501-8848600 1100
deletion chr9:10010201-10011600 1400
deletion chr9:10126601-10127700 1100
edit: I converted the txt files into bedpe format, which looks like
chr21 18542801 18543500
chr21 18545701 18545900
chr21 19039901 19040600
chr21 19164301 19169400
chr21 19366001 19370200
chr21 19639601 19640300
chr21 20493701 20495700
chr21 20581401 20583000
chr21 20880901 20882700
chr21 21558601 21559700
Then I started to compare two bedpe, looking for overlapping region, using the command like:
pairToPair -a 1.bedpe -b 2.bedpe > share.bedpe
Then I see the errors:
It looks as though you have less than 6 columns. Are you sure your files are tab-delimited?
MY bed file have only three columns, seems it requires 6....What's the problem here? thx
Can you give a few sample lines from your .txt file?